Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Off topic police state madness!

We found the following news item on the Yahoo web site, the reporting is courtesy of Reuters:

Cops use plane to nab apple-eating driver
LONDON (Reuters) - Police called in a spotter plane, helicopter and video-equipped patrol car to help convict a woman who ate an apple while driving to work, newspapers have reported.
After nine court hearings and a trial lasting more than two hours, nursery nurse Sarah McCaffery was fined 60 pounds on Monday when a court upheld a police decision to give her a penalty ticket.
Police used the plane, helicopter and car to film road conditions on the route she took in Tyneside, northeast England, after officers pulled her over in December 2003.
"It is a joke they put so much effort into this," McCaffery, 23, told the Sun newspaper on Tuesday. "You would think they had better things to do."
She said she had both hands on the wheel of her Ford Ka and was driving safely.
But police and public prosecutors said she was not in control and they were obliged to gather evidence when she chose to fight the fine in court.

Now, how is it that the police can marshal this level of resource to nab an apple eating driver and yet routinely fail to investigate bag snatches and similar crimes. Where does this leave the rest of us? If you are holding a cigarette whilst driving will you now be deemed to be not in control of the car? Will scratching your ear or putting on your sunglasses be seen as not being in control of your car?

This level of craziness is incredible and demostrates just how far down we have gone. If you ever had any doubts about whether we lived in a totalitarian police state then this will surely have shattered them.

The Editor

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